I’ve been blogging since the first blog arrive in the internet. I always have diaries and even though I used to live in a very small town, I always found amazing that you could say anything to anyone who would open your blog and comment in your posts. I still have friends I made through comments, from another part of the world. So amazing.
But blogging today transcended just being a diary. You can share ideas and help others. I was stuck in the diary format for so long that I couldn’t move on…

Everybody was talking about the Billionaire Blogger’s Club and how it changed their lifes, etc, etc. So I signed up for their list.
And after 2 emails, I was convinced. But there was a problem… the price… $447. (lifetime)
And worse… I only had 3 days to make a decision because they would be closing the doors. On the last minutes of the last day I made another best decision: I signed up for BBC.
I know that I was talking about the Genius Toolkit and how valuable it is, and still is, I don’t regret, it helped me a lot.
BBC is expensive, but it worths every cent, because you will learn everything you need to launch a blog and make money from it. And they are not afraid of saying that! And it’s not selling courses or webinar (you can do this if you want), it’s not blogging about blog.
It’s a huge course made by just one person: Paul Scrivs. BBC (now BSF – Blog Simple Framework) is a platform and you will learn about Niche Selection, email marketing, how to use pinterest, how to create content and if you have questions you can ask the community or Scrivs. I don’t know how he manages but he is always online. When it’s not him, it’s his Community Manager, Marybeth.
It’s like having a coach there for you!
The best part, it’s a lifetime course. Pay once and everything he adds you have access. And it’s not like small updates. I am talking about huge things, like a creation of a new platform: Dare to Conquer and every member gets access to it.
What I like most are the challenges. You see, Dare to Conquer is not just for a beginner blogger and the moment you overcome that the course is still valid for you. There are 4 Blog Challenges going on right now:
- Launching your blog and get 10k page views
- How to reach a $1000 in revenue
- How to gain your first 1000 subscribers
- Create your first paid product
And each challenge contain 30 videos of how to achieve it. And you have an area named Milestones, where you and the community click what they achieved and this is so beautiful.
There is another area called Exchange, where you post a link or a pinterest image and other members can pin for you and you pin their images for them. It’s a community!
Blog Simple Framework
If you think it’s time for a change, watch this FREE 45-minute workshop and see for yourself.
No fluff, just quality info! Worth every minute.